Prof. Dr. Klas Diederich, Mathematiker
List of Publications
1. Diederich, K.:Das Randverhalten der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und Metrik in streng pseudokonvexen Gebieten. Math. Ann. 187, 9-36 (1970)
2. Diederich, K., Remmert, R.:
Funktionentheorie I
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Springer-Verlag 1971
3. Diederich, K.: Über die 1. und 2. Ableitung der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und ihr Randverhalten. Math. Ann. 203, 129-170 (1973)
4. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A strange bounded smooth domain of holomorphy. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82, 74-76 (1976)
5. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Exhaustion functions and Stein neighborhoods for smooth pseudoconvex domains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 72 , 3279-3280 (1975)
6. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Pseudoconvex domains: An example with nontrivial Nebenhülle. Math. Ann. 225, 275-292 (1977)
7. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Pseudoconvex domains: Bounded strictly plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions. Inventiones math. 39, 129-141 (1977)
8. Diederich, K.:Some recent developments in the theory of the Bergman kernel function: A survey. Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol 30, 127-137 (1977)
9. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Pseudoconvex domains: Existence of Stein neighborhoods. Duke Math. J. 44, 641-662 (1977)
10. Diederich, K., Burns, D., Shnider, S.: Distinguished curves in pseudoconvex boundaries. Duke Math. J. 44, 407-431 (1977)
11. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Complex submanifolds in real-analytic pseudoconvex hypersurfaces. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 3126-3127 (1977)
12. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Properties of pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundaries. Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol. 30, 17-19 (1977)
13. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Pseudoconvex domains with real-analytic boundary. Ann. Math. 107, 371-384 (1978)
14. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Strictly pseudohyperbolic domains. manuscripta math. 25, 263-278 (1978)
15. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper holomorphic maps onto pseudoconvex domains with real- analytic boundary. Ann. Math. 110, 575-592 (1979)
16. Diederich, K., Sibony, N.: Strange complex structures on euclidean space.J. reine angew. Math. 311/312, 397-407 (1979)
17. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Biholomorphic maps between certain real-analytic domains in C². Math. Ann. 245, 255-272 (1979)
18. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Biholomorphic mappings between two-dimensional Hartogs domains with real-analytic boundaries. Annals Math. Studies 100, 133-150 (1981)
19. Diederich, K., Pflug, P.: Necessary conditions for hypoellipticity of the -problem.Annals Math. Studies 100, 151-154 (1981)
20. Diederich, K., Webster, S.: A reflection principle for degenerate real hypersurfaces.Duke Math. J. 47, 835-843 (1980)
21. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Comparison of the Bergman and the Kobayashi metric.Math. Ann. 254, 257-262 (1980)
22. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A remark on a paper by S. R. Bell.manuscripta math. 34, 31-44 (1981)
23. Diederich, K., Pflug, P.: Über Gebiete mit vollständiger Kählermetrik.Math. Ann. 257, 191-198 (1981)
24. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Thin complements of complete Kähler domains. Math. Ann. 259, 331-341 (1982)
25. Diederich, K., Lieb, I.: Konvexität in der komplexen Analysis. Neue Ergebnisse und Methoden.Reihe DMV Seminar, vol. 2, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel-Boston 1981
26. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper holomorphic images of strictly pseudoconvex domains.Math. Ann. 259, 279-286 (1982)
27. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smooth extendability of proper holomorphic mappings.Bulletin AMS 7, 264-268 (1982)
28. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smooth, but not complex-analytic pluripolar sets.manuscripta math. 37, 121-125 (1982)
29. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Boundary regularity of proper holomorphic mappings. Invent. math. 67, 363-384 (1982)
30. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, K.: A Levi problem on two-dimensional complex manifolds. Math. Ann. 261, 255-261 (1982)
31. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A smooth pseudoconvex domain without pseudoconvex exhaustion. manuscripta math. 38, 119-123 (1982)
32. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A smooth curve in C², which is not a pluripolar set. Duke Math. J., vol. 49, 931-936 (1982)
33. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper maps from strongly q-convex domains. Math. Ann. 264, 335-359 (1983)
34. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Herbort, G.: Boundary behavior of the Bergman metric. Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol. 41, 59-67 (1984)
35. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: On the nature of thin complements of completeKähler metrics. Math. Ann. 268, 475-495 (1984)
36. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Stein neighborhoods for finite preimages of regular domains. manuscripta math. 50, 11-27 (1985)
37. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Harmonic mappings and disc bundles over compact Kähler manifolds. Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 21, 819-833 (1985)
38. Diederich, K., Herbort, G., Ohsawa, T.: The Bergman kernel on uniformly extendable pseudoconvex domains. Math. Ann. 273, 471-478 (1986)
39. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smoothing q-convex functions and vanishing theorems. Invent. math. 82, 291-305 (1985)
40. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smoothing q-convex functions in the singular case. Math. Ann. 273, 665-671 (1986)
41. Diederich, K.: Complete Kähler domains. A survey of some recent results. Contributions to Several Complex Variables. Aspects of Math. E9, Vieweg Verl.,Wiesbaden 1986
42. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Wiegerinck, J.: Sharp Hölder estimates for d on ellipsoids. manuscripta math. 56, 399-417 (1986)
43. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper holomorphic mappings between real-analytic pseudoconvex domains in Cn. Math. Ann. 282, 681-700 (1988)
44. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J.E.: Applications propres holomorphes entre domaines à bord analytique réel. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris, t. 307, Série I, p. 321-324 (1988)
45. Diederich, K.: Holomorphic functions and integral representations in several complex variables. Bulletin AMS, 20, 132-139 (1989)
46. Diederich, K., Bonneau, P.: Integral solution operators for the Cauchy-Riemann-equations on pseudo-convex domains. Math. Ann. 286, 77-100 (1990)
47. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On the parameter dependence of solutions to the del-bar equation.Math. Ann. 289, 581-587 (1991)
48. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Local extension of holomorphic L²-functions with weights. Complex Analysis. Proceedings of the International Workshop Wuppertal 1990. Aspects of Mathematics, Vieweg 1991.
49. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Extension of holomorphic L²-functions with weighted growth conditions. Nagoya Math. J. 126, 141-157 (1992).
50. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: A continuity principle for the Bergman kernel function.Publ. R.I.M.S., Kyoto University 28, 495-501 (1992).
51. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: The inverse of a CR-homeomorphism is CR. Intern. J. Math. 4, 237-267 (1993).
52. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Geometric and analytic boundary invariants on pseudoconvex domains. Comparison results. J. Geom. Analysis 3, 237-267 (1993).
53. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: Existence of 2-complete neighborhoods for pseudoconvex domains. J. Geom. Analysis 8, 21-25 (1998)
54. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: General continuity principles for the Bergman kernel. Intern. J. Math. 5, 189-199 (1994).
55. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Ye, Z.: Biholomorphisms in dimension 2. J. Geom. Analysis, 4, 539-552 (1994).
56. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Une caractérisation des points de stricte pseudoconvexité par la métrique de Bergman. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 317, 555-558 (1993).
57. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: An estimate for the Bergman distance on pseudoconvex domains. Annals of Mathematics 141, 181-190 (1995).
58. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: Convexity properties of analytic complements in Stein spaces. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Kahane Special Issue, 153-160 (1995).
59. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Pseudoconvex domains of semiregular type. Contributions to Complex Analysis and Analytic Geometry. Aspects of Mathematics E26, Vieweg 1994.
60. Diederich, K.: Some
Aspects of the Levi Problem: Recent developments. In:"Geometric Complex Analysis. Proceedings of the International Research Institute of the
Mathematical Society of Japan 1995 , 163-181.
61. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: Open sets with Stein hypersurface sections in Stein spaces. Annalsof Math. 145, 175-182 (1997)
62. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Proper holomorphic maps in dimension 2 extend. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 44, 1089-1126 (1995)
63. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: An alternative proof of a theorem of Boas-Straube-Yu. In: Complex Analysis and Geometry. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, vol. 366 (1997), 112-118.
64. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On pseudoconvex domains in Pn. Tokyo J. Math. 21, (1998), 353-358
65. Diederich,
K.: Analytic pathologies of pseudoconvexity.
A Survey on Recent Developments. Notes from a course
at the International Summer School Grenoble 1996.
66. Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Extension and restriction of holomorphic functions. Annales de l'Institut Fourier 47 (1997), 1079-1099
67. Diederich, K.: Recent developments in extension theory. Chûbu Forum fo Mathematical Sciences 2, 17-28 (1997).
68. Diederich, K., Herbort, G., Michel, V.: Weights of holomorphic extension and restriction. J. Math. Pures Appl. 77, 697-719 (1998)
69. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Support functions
for convex domains of finite type. Math. Z. 230 (1999),
70. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Moment Problems for weighted Bergman kernels.Proceedings of the Conference on "Complex Analysis and Geometry" (in honour of Pierre Lelong), Paris 1997, Progress in Math., 188 (2000), 111-122
71. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Reflection Principle in Higher Dimensions. Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM 1998, Berlin
72. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: An alternative proof of an extension theorem of T. Ohsawa. Michigan Math. J. 46, 347-359 (1999)
73. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: On discontinuity of the
Bergman kernel function. Int. J. Math. 10, 825-832
74a Diederich, K., Fischer, B., Fornæss, J. E.: Hölder
estimates on convex domains of finite type.Math. Z. 232,
43-62 (1999)
74b Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Zero varieties for the Nevanlinna class on all convex domains of finite type. Nagoya Math. J. 163, 215-227 (2001).
75. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: On Levi's problem on complex spaces and envelopes of holomorphy. Math. Ann. 316 (2000), 185-199.
76. Diederich, K., McNeal, J.: Pointwise nonisotropic support
functions on convex domains.Proceedings of the
Conference on "Complex Analysis and Geometry" (in
honour of Pierre Lelong), Paris 1997, Progress in Math.,
188 (2000), 183-192.
77. Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E. : Extension of bounded
holomorphic functions in convex domains.
manuscripta math. 105 (2001), 1-12
78. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: A Green function associated to
a divisor and applications to the mapping theory. Preprint
79. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Quantitative estimates for the
Green function and an application to the Bergman metric.
Ann. Inst. Fourier 50 (2000), 1
80. Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: The Bergman metric in the
normal direction: a counterexample. Michigan
Math. J. 47 (2000), 515-528.
81. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: On the coverings of proper
families of 1-dimensional complex spaces. Michigan
Math. J. 47 (2000), 369-375.
82. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Vassiliadou, S.: Local
L2-results for del-bar on a singular surface.
Math. Scand. 92 (2003), 269
83. Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: A remark on the theorem of
Ohsawa-Takegoshi. Nagoya Math. J. 158 (2000),
84. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On certain existence questions
for pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in complex manifolds.
Math. Ann. 323 (2002), 397-403.
85. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Uniform volume estimates for
holomorphic families of analytic sets. Proceedings of the
Steklov Institute of Mathematics 235 (2001), 52-56.
86. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Regularity of continuous
CR-maps in arbitrary dimension. Mich. Math. J. 51
(2003), 111-140
87. Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: A remark on non-Hausdorff
cohomology groups of analytic complements. Math. Ann.
323 (2002), 485-489
88. Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Lineally convex domains of
finite type:holomorphic support functions. manuscripta
math. 112, 403-431 (2003)
89. Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Analytic sets extending the
graphs of holomorphic mappings.
J. Geometric Analysis 14, 231-239 (2004)
90. Diederich, K., Fischer, B.: Hölder estimates on lineally
convex domains of finite type. MichiganMath. J. 54,
341-352 (2006)
91. Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On the displacement rigidity of
Levi flat hypersurfaces – The case of boundaries of disc
bundles over compact Riemann surfaces. (ESI-Preprint
No. 1737 (2005) ) Publ. RIMS 43 (2007), 171-180
92. Diederich, K., Sukhov, A.: Diffeomorphisms of Stein
structures. J. Geometric Analysis 16, 499-505 (2006)
93. Diederich, K.: Fine analysis on lineally convex domains of
finite type. ESI-Preprint No. 1736 (2005), Proceedings of
the conference in honour of H. Skoda, September 2005.
94. Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Real and Complex analytic sets.
The Relevance of Segre varieties. To appear in Annali della
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze 2008.
95. Diederich, K., Sukhov, A.: Extension of CR maps into
hermitian quadrics. Preprint 2005.
96. Diederich; K., Sukhov, A.: Plurisubharmonic exhaustion
functions and almost complex Stein structures. Preprint
97. Diederich, K., Fornaess, J. E. : Global smoothly varying
support surfaces. Prepint 2012